Employer Information
Helping Business to Recruit and Train Employees
Maine CareerCenters provide a variety of employment and training services at no charge for Maine workers and businesses. We assist all sizes of employers with recruiting, hiring, training, workforce services and access to labor market information. Whether your business is growing or downsizing, we can assist with job retention, expansion, and creation, as well as help workers who are facing job loss due to downsizing or closures.
Contact your closest CareerCenter and ask to speak with the Business Services Representative. We will assess your situation and tailor solutions to fit the needs of the business.
Information for Employers
Healthcare Training for ME: This partnership can provide healthcare training to your staff and resources to help defray the costs of training. This is an opportunity to help staff advance in their careers and gain valuable credentials all while upskilling your workforce. Available trainings may include options to host on-site at your workplace, online, and at convenient locations in the community. Submit a training request today to learn more about how we can work with you to support and upskill your workforce. https://www.maine.gov/healthcaretrainingforme/
Employer Registration and Job Posting Policy (Word) (PDF)
Maine JobLink, our state's federally required job matching system, is a new cloud-based service that lets you find and connect with job seekers. When you list your job openings at no cost on Maine JobLink, you will reach tens of thousands of registered Maine job seekers.
- Search for and review job seeker profiles/resumes using key words.
- Generate a wide and comprehensive search for employees.
- Use the document uploader where key words are used for job matching.
- Create a job posting from scratch or copy and edit an existing one from any computer or mobile device.
- Track recruitment activities using the activity logs.
- Easily share job postings on Facebook, LinkedIn™, Twitter, and Google+.
- Access support for more than 60 languages using Google Translate.
You can find more local job boards and recruiting companies from the private sector on our Resources page.
Job Fairs and Recruitment Events
Meet face-to-face with job seekers at organized events that can be held at CareerCenters or other community venues and can be targeted for a company, industry, location, or hard-to-fill positions. Find upcoming hiring events.
Space for Recruitment
Use a space at your local CareerCenter to recruit, meet with applicants, take applications, test, and interview candidates.
Recruiting Veterans and People with Disabilities
These dedicated employees bring a wide range of experience to the workplace. Listing jobs on Maine JobLink meets mandatory federal contractor/subcontractor listing requirements. CareerCenter is committed to providing priority of services to veterans and will connect them with your job openings.
Keep your skilled workers on staff with a partial, short-term unemployment benefit during lean times. WorkShare is an unemployment option that helps businesses retain their workforce during a temporary slowdown in work. The program allows employers to voluntarily reduce the hours of staff in lieu of layoffs. Employees of the business are allowed to collect a partial unemployment benefit to help them offset the loss of income. Learn more.
The Maine-at-Work Initiative was created to help employers and job seekers learn of the many resources available to them through Maine Department of Labor and our Workforce Partners. Need to Hire Skilled Employees? Upskill Staff? Help Funding Training? We're here to help employers:
- Hire skilled employees
- Upskill staff
- With funding for training
- Create internal career pathways
- Increase employee engagement
- Post job opportunities
- Recruit your workforce at CareerCenters and on Maine JobLink
Need to hire skilled employees? Upskill current staff? Help funding training? We can help! Complete this quick inquiry form.
Approved Training Programs - CareerCenter staff can refer you to appropriate training and help you make a plan to meet your training needs.
Maine Apprenticeship Program: Connects job seekers looking to learn new skills with employers looking for qualified workers, resulting in a workforce with industry-driven training and employers with a competitive edge.
Competitive Skills Scholarship Program (CSSP): Pays for education and training (including apprenticeships) for jobs in demand for qualified Maine residents.
SafetyWorks!: An outreach program of the Maine Department of Labor designed to reduce job-related injuries, illnesses and deaths.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program:
A federal tax credit that offers a tax incentive for private sector businesses to hire individuals from targeted groups that have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. Call the Department of Labor at 207-623-7981 and ask to speak with the WOTC Coordinator. TTY users call Maine Relay 711.
Federal Bonding Program
Provides Fidelity Bonds that support hiring of at-risk, hard-to-place job seekers. There is no cost to the job applicant or the employer. For more detailed information and eligibility requirements, visit the Federal Bonding Program website or contact your local CareerCenter. You may also call the Maine Department of Labor at 207-623-7981 and ask to speak with the Federal Bonding Coordinator. TTY users call Maine Relay 711.
CareerCenters provide information on employer requirements in the event of a layoff or closing. Workers are provided with information on retraining and support. For assistance, contact your local CareerCenter, or call 207-623-7981 or 1-888-457-8883; TTY users call Maine Relay 711. You can also e-mail us at rapidresponse.dol@maine.gov .
- WorkShare: An alternative to temporary layoffs
- Rapid Response: A program to assist workers facing job loss due to downsizing or closures. When an employer must lay off workers, there are several steps to take in order to address the needs of the affected workers and the community.
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA): Workers who lose their jobs or have their hours or wages reduced because of foreign trade may be eligible for trade benefits under the Trade Adjustment Assistance and Trade Readjustment Allowances programs. Search for TAA approved companies.
- Dislocated Worker Benefits
See our Resources page for links to local, state and federal labor and business resources.
Center for Workforce Research and Information
The Maine Department of Labor's CWRI provides data and interactive tools on wages, jobs in demand, employment and industry trends, and much more. Visit https://www.maine.gov/labor/cwri.
A federal law which requires employers to provide advanced notification to workers when faced with a plant closing or mass layoff. More info: https://joblink.maine.gov/warn_info
Agricultural employers wishing to recruit and hire foreign workers use the H-2A non-immigrant, temporary agricultural worker program. Required Federal forms include the ETA 790 Agricultural Clearance Order and the ETA 9142 Application for Foreign Labor Certification. Both forms and instructions on how to prepare and submit may be located on the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Foreign Labor Certification website.
Farm Labor housing, required to be provided by H-2A employers at no cost to workers who are unable to return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day due to unreasonable distance, is required to have pre-occupancy inspection. Farm labor housing must be approved prior to final determination of the H2A Foreign Labor Application. For information on arranging pre-occupancy housing inspection contact the Maine Department of Labor H-2A farm unit at 207-623-7928 or e-mail jorge.a.acero@maine.gov.
Foreign Labor Certification:
Employers seeking to bring foreign workers into the United States must receive certification from the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Foreign Labor Certification. This certification may only be obtained in cases where it can be demonstrated that there are insufficient qualified U.S. workers available and willing to perform the work at wages that meet or exceed the prevailing wage paid for the occupation in the area of intended employment. Detailed information on the Foreign Labor Certification process can be found on the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Foreign Labor Certification website.
With so many meetings happening remotely lately, MDOL put together a guide for employers with tips for ensuring your meetings are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities: