Home → Maine Workshops → Senior Community Service Employment Program [SCSEP]
Online Orientation Program
sponsored by A4TD
Held the last Wednesday of each month
Senior Community Service Employment Program [SCSEP]
Online Orientation Program
sponsored by A4TD
Held the last Wednesday of each month (Workshop)
9:00 AM- 10:00 AM
Are you an unemployed job seeker 55+? Then, we are looking for you! Come learn about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) - a federally funded jobs training program specifically designed for older job seekers. During the session we will...
*Discuss the opportunities to earn wages while learning new job skills
*Go over participant eligibility requirements
*Show how to apply for the program
*Answer any questions
Join us on Zoom - https://zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 895 3712 4962
Questions? Call (800) 439-3307 or visit www.a4td.org