Home → Maine Workshops → Business Startup Basics
Presented by Brad Currie, US SBA
Business Startup Basics
Presented by Brad Currie, US SBA
November 12, 2024
11:00 AM- 1:30 AM
Are you thinking about starting a new business, but not sure how to begin? The U.S. Small Business Administration can help! Join us at the Greater Portland CareerCenter for an in-person, informative 2-hour workshop with Brad Currie of the US SBA. The workshop will cover the basics of starting a business and provide an overview of SBA programs and services. French interpreter will be present on November 12, and Portuguese interpreter will be present on November 19. Registration is highly recommended.
Please register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=q6gQX0gYkubzeoajy-GTkUaV7Aj5ZHhuzt5mqCOdJUNVhMVzdYMEVPUU5RU1pCOEdYWFRRRUhUMi4u&route=shorturl
Contact Lola Achuba for more information at Omolola.Achuba@maine.gov or (207) 707-0227