Home → CareerCenters → Area Job Fairs at the Springvale CareerCenter
Summer Thursday Hiring Events August 3, 2023
August 3, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: SCAE, 668 Main St., Sanford, Maine
Sponsored By: SCAE
Summer Thursday Job Fairs (June 22 thru August 24, 2023) offer job seekers a chance to meet with staffing agencies and featured employers. These low-key events are a great way to explore job possibilities. Join us in the Library in the Sanford Adult Education Willard Building and connect with recruiters. CareerCenter staff are available to provide resume review and other services at each session.
The following employers will be at this event:
- Arcadia New England
- Goodwill Workforce Solutions (Goodwill NNE)
- Goodwill Americorps/VISTA
- HomeCaire of Maine
- Ledgemere Transportation
- Maine Health
- Mardens
- OSL Services
- Sanford School Department
- Spurwink
- Sweetser
- York County Government
- Info on MaineDOT Transportation Worker positions in North Berwick and Alfred will be available
Staffing Agencies:
- AtWork Personnel
- Choice1Temps
- CoWorx
- Manpower
- Masis Staffing
Employers please register by using the online form
For more information please contact Marcella Spruce at the following:
Telephone: 207-490-4622 E-mail: Marcella.J.Spruce@maine.gov