Home → Job Order Contact

Job Order Local CareerCenter Referral Info
For Job Orders with worksites in the Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, and inland to Greenville, north:
Tri-County CareerCenter
Address: 45 Oak Street, Suite 3, Bangor, ME 04401-7902
Phone: (207) 561-4050 or 1-888-828-0568
Fax: (207) 561-4066
TTY users call Maine Relay 711
For Job Orders with worksites in the east mid-coast area from Belfast, Camden to Rockland:
Rockland CareerCenter
Address: 91 Camden Street, Suite 201, Rockland, ME 04841-3424
Phone: (207) 596-2600 or 1-877-421-7916
Fax: (207) 594-1428
TTY users call Maine Relay 711
For Job Orders with worksites in Southern Midcoast area from Pemaquid Peninsula to Boothbay Harbor:
Southern Midcoast CareerCenter
Address: 29 Sewall Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011
Phone: (207) 721-8200 or 1-888-836-3355
Fax: (207) 373-4004
TTY users call Maine Relay 711
For Job Orders with worksites from Freeport, through Portland, to Old Orchard Beach:
Greater Portland CareerCenter
Address: 151 Jetport Blvd, Portland, ME 04102
Phone: (207) 822-3300 or Toll Free: 877-594-5627
Fax: (207) 822-0221
TTY users call Maine Relay 711
For Job Orders with worksites from the Kennebunks south to Wells, Ogunquit, York, Kittery
York County CareerCenter
Address: 9 Bodwell Court, Springvale, ME 04083
Phone: (207) 324-5460 or 1-800-343-0151
Fax: (207) 324-7069
TTY users call Maine Relay 711